Monday, January 20, 2014

Partner Support for NGO works

Thank you, here we write on behalf of SHELTER. We need your Partnership support for development of our organizational performances. We are also interested to work under your supervision and follow your guidelines and criteria to make a model project grass-root level in our country. We welcome you or at the any organization’s partnership, on your like networking & LinkedIn Partner, Private Donor,
volunteer or joint project. SHELTER is working for slum and rural areas of Bangladesh where there are largest NGO
working fields and we have different Innovative projects for long term and short terms work.

SHELTER is a grass-root level government registered NGO, it has been working since the year 2000 in Bangladesh and it works in  different fields like : Research, Consultancy, Human Rights, Gender issues,
Woman empowerment, Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Health, in formal & adult Education, VGD, IGA, Baseline Survey etc. SHELTER is working on social works in different development sectors, founded by and in partnership with UNICEF, IOM, GIZ, JICA, WFP, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Dhaka, Government of Bangladesh, ITF UK, EVERGREEN UK, HOPE’87, ATSEC Bangladesh and Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) 2 programs under Department of Women Affairs (DWA) GOB,World Food Program (wfp) and Trust Fund GOB.

SHELTER’s major focus is on Environmental and Climate Change programs. SHELTER Started working with ITF UK and SHELTER Nursery. SHELTER provides Trees to the Schools, Mosque and Madrasa, Garboards, roadside cremation ground, Riverbank side for plantation and also gives plants to the poor people as a donation with partnership of GOB. SHELTER alsoprovided NEEM TREES (Medicine), health & education to all 77 Union porishods, 6 Pouroshovas and 8 Upozilla complexes with DC Hobigonj District under GOB. SHELTER also started an ORGANIC AGRO project as organic poultry, fishery, ducks, vegetable, agro forestry and cow firm project under SHELTER HOBIONJ PROJECT. Recently SHELTER started a project of Green Initiative for Climate Restoration in Habigonj District under Theme -T5: Mitigation and low carbon development Program: P7- A forestation and reforestation program funded by Trust Fund GOB.

SHELTER is also working on HIV/AIDS & Women and Child traffickingprograms under IOM & technical support from ATSEC Bangladesh. SHELTER has strong and good experience in women’s trafficking programs in
PPVHT-B Project with IOM partnership. SHELTER has own Nursery and
product woods, medicine, fruits, flower and other species of plants. 3
luck 20 thousand product capacities are available our Nursery and
SHELTER nursery started from 2007 to continue till today. SHELTER also
has it own Training Center, it was  established in 2008, It is
providing skill, development training on IGA, ICT, sewing, poultries,
fishery and other livelihood, small business and income generating
activities. SHELTER has a future project plan to setup an innovative
School & Educational Center in the Tea garden area and for this
project we are seeking a partner
SHELTER has Networking Membership with “CDM Watch Network” !NGO Forum
Environment & Development, “SANDEE” The South Asian Network for
Development and Environmental Economics, “GEF-NGO” Global Environment
Facility, “BiD Network” tatement at Netherlands Parliamentary Hearing
Committee on development policy, “Susana Forum”, “PADOR” Potential
Applicants Data Online Registration, SKF (U.K.), “GWA” Gender and
Water Alliance, “Teach A Man To Fish”, “ATSEC”  Action against
Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children, “FNB” Federation of
NGOs in Bangladesh, and “BAPA” Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon.

In Bangladesh there is a largest working sector for NGOs .A large
number of Tribal and disadvantaged People live in CHT hilly side & Tee
garden areas all over the Bangladesh.
As below link:-
Different Haor (Big lake).
Hakaluki Haor - Bangladesh has one of the Largest- Inland Freshwater
wetland ecosystem Haors-in the World and another 2 Haors are Hail Haor
& Tanguar Haor in Bangladesh. For detail lease visit:
We also welcome you to work in the Sundarbans - the world’s biggest
mangrove and the largest single block of tribal halophytic mangrove
forest in Bangladesh. You may visit the following sites to get more
Cox's Bazar Sea Beach.
Cox's Bazar It is the world’s longest sea beach in the world. Bangladesh
Length: 120 Km -Cox's Bazar is known for its wide sandy beach which is
the world’s longest:,
Kuakata Sea Beach.
The name Kuakata (Sagar Kannya / Daughter of the Sea) originated from
the word”Kua” meaning “Well” dug on the seashore by the early Rakhine
settlers in quest of drinking water:

SHELTER always welcomes you to visit our organization and working area
at your convenient time. SHELTER will arrange everything during your
visit. Please see the SHELTER documents & our research partner org
Brainstorm Bangladesh Ltd Leaflet in the attached file. If you need
more information about us please write to us any time. Your
co-operation will be highly appreciated in this regard. Thank you and
we wish you, your colleagues, family and friends a very good happy new
year a prosperous 2014.

Best Regard,

Ms.Rayna Sultana
Executive Director
Cell. + 8801945822843
Offices: House No.D-3, 6th Floor, Road No.5,
Nekation, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.

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