Saturday, February 1, 2014

Workshop Overview:

Imports and Exports involve a lot of technicalities because these take place between two countries, under different situations, rules and regulations and culture. As such, export-import transactions call for proper understanding and in depth knowledge of various technical aspects including Letters of Credit Operations. To learn these theoretical aspects and for sharing of many other practical details about imports,

Institute Of Professional Development Programs

Workshop Held on: February 14, 2014    l    Time: 9.00AM to 5.00PM

Day: Friday                       l                  Total Hour: 8 Hours


L/C - Import-Export Procedure and Documentation

With special tips on how to achieve success during political unstability

Offer for branding in the online news portal

The Head,

Subject: Offer for branding in the first ever online law news portal in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

BDLAWNEWS is the first ever online law news portal in Bangladesh. This portal absolutely deals with the every detail of law, news-views and happenings around the whole country and the world. Because of its rich content and presentation as well as unique layout and design,

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Press Conference for Fire Safety Mission returning from Germany

This is to cordially invite you and your organization to a Press Conference organized by GIZ Bangladesh.

A delegation of Bangladeshi officials dealing with fire safety procedures, were sent off to Germany for an exposure visit.

They are back and now would like to share their experience and knowledge with you all.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tobacco Companies are using youths and modern communication tools to promote products at POS

In the name of part-time jobs, Tobacco Companies have now engaged youngsters (mostly college and university students) to promote their harmful products at sales points, superstores and roadside tea stalls in Dhaka city, violating the amended tobacco control law. This fact has been explored by one of our ATMA members Kamal Uddin Ahmed published on state run news agency